Friday, March 16, 2012

Little Set Back

I knew this would happen eventually and wasn't as bad as it could have been, so I'm okay with it and take responsibility.  I had my weigh-in on Thursday.  Weighed in .4 (half a pound) over from last week.  Honestly I expected it to be worse and am happy to see it wasn't.  This week was rough for me as this past Sunday was the 1st Anniversary of my Dad's death.  Was a rough day and I compensated like I shouldn't, I ate all day long.  Valerie was working so there was no one there to tell me that I shouldn't.  Don't get me wrong, I knew I shouldn't but a little peer pressure can go a long ways for me where Valerie is concerned.  Anyway the program is a good one as my gain was only .4 and I ate more than I have in a long time.  Probably a week's worth of points the way I was going.  So the other days I was good help offset that.  So there is some positive in there somewhere.

At work this week and last we only had 8 people to weigh in.  We have to keep an average of 12.  I think it's going to fall by the side before long.  I will continue my subscription online and track that way anyway.  I'm on this journey for the long haul.

On other things in my life, we have found two houses we like, both were designed by same person, so the layout in both are so close it's scarey.  Both owners want more than I want to spend, but Valerie assures me that they are good deals where we are negotiating.  We are looking at them one more time this weekend to try and decide which we like most and want to aggressively pursue.  We are both making our pros and cons lists.  Not to mention, she has her sister and family and Aunt coming out with us on Saturday so I'm sure there will be no shortage of opinions tomorrow.  I honestly mean that in the nicest way.

We all had Dinner at Deaner's house last night, Amy and Shireef (sp) were down from Toronto.  It was good to see both and the Turkey was great.  Sara makes a mean green bean casserole also. (took left overs of that home)

That's it for today....

Friday, March 9, 2012

Steady As She Goes

I've been very bad about posting my status and updates here.  Good news though is weigh in was yesterday and I lost 4.2 more pounds, bringing my total to 14.2.  It really feels good and the point system isn't as bad as I thought it would be.  Granted while I'm as big as a house, I have plenty of points, but when I start getting down there, the point totals will be lower.  I am hoping that by the time I get there, it will be much easier to manage.  I've been lucky in that I haven't even used up all of my daily points at times and hope I can continue that.  That also leaves my weekly points untouched which is my goal.  I have dipped into them a few times as I have sat down and just not stopped a couple of times.  Working on that also.  Good news is that I have pretty much eliminated fast food all together.  Except for my weekly Chic-fil-a meal on tuesday night before poker.  That's not bad for the fast food king here....  My next goal is to actually start the running process.