Friday, March 9, 2012

Steady As She Goes

I've been very bad about posting my status and updates here.  Good news though is weigh in was yesterday and I lost 4.2 more pounds, bringing my total to 14.2.  It really feels good and the point system isn't as bad as I thought it would be.  Granted while I'm as big as a house, I have plenty of points, but when I start getting down there, the point totals will be lower.  I am hoping that by the time I get there, it will be much easier to manage.  I've been lucky in that I haven't even used up all of my daily points at times and hope I can continue that.  That also leaves my weekly points untouched which is my goal.  I have dipped into them a few times as I have sat down and just not stopped a couple of times.  Working on that also.  Good news is that I have pretty much eliminated fast food all together.  Except for my weekly Chic-fil-a meal on tuesday night before poker.  That's not bad for the fast food king here....  My next goal is to actually start the running process.

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