Thursday, April 5, 2012

Back on Track

It's been a bit since I've logged in here and things were up and down.  On the March 29th weigh in I was up 5 pounds and could feel it.(308.4)  It wasn't a surprise and I somewhat expected it to be perfectly honest.  I stopped paying attention and did what I wanted.  I paid the price.  This week April 5 was good again.  I lost the weight I recently gained and lost from last weigh in before that. I'm now down to 302.7.  Very heavy still but down 14.7 pounds since I started.  That's pretty good I hope.  The goal weight on Weight Watchers is showing 299.  I think I can hit that on next weigh in if I pay attention and exercise also.

Few more stressors in my life.  Christopher got into a little more trouble, just when he is so close to being off probation.  All I can do is to continue to hope and pray and be there to support him when I can. 

I'm very close to closing on a new home with Valerie.  That is an adventure for me.  It's the biggest purchase I've ever made and that includes the other two houses I bought with Liz.  I would be lying if I didn't say I was a little nervous, but we will be fine and she makes my life complete.

On an additional note, Liz is marrying Mark.  I am very happy for both of them.  No, it's not because in August, I won't have to pay alimony anymore, it's because I am truly happy for both of them.  She deserves to be happy as I do also.  I genuinely like Mark also and have great respect for him also.

So there it is, will try not to wait so long between postings next time.

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