Sunday, February 19, 2012

It Begins

Well had my official weigh-in on Thursday morning, that will be my weigh-in day at work.  Wasn't happy or surprised with the results.  317.4.  I guess the only positive thing is I get a butt load of points for the week compared to many.  Only been a few days, and I am working hard to stick with my daily allowance of points.  Other than their 10% automatic goal, I have a bit higher goal in the long run for me.  I'd like to lose 130 pounds to get back to a healthy looking person....

My son is in town visiting from Utah, so we made a trip to Ga to see my family.  Traveling and the points are very tough.  I was out of points on the trip up by the time lunch was done.  Fast food needs to be a thing of the past for me.  I am going to have to plan better when I am on the road.  I just have to keep reminding myself it's not a diet, it's a lifestyle.  We are heading back to Florida today, so I have some carrots to snack on which are a better alternative to the trip down.  I know I can do this.

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